Program Overview

Often referred to as 3+2s, or dual degrees, Undergraduate-to-Graduate (U2G) programs provide students with the opportunity to complete two degrees on an accelerated timeline. For Athletic Training, this would include the Bachelor’s of Science in Exercise Science degree and a Master’s of Science in Athletic Training degree. The U2G program provides students the opportunity to complete both degrees in five years instead of six years.

Planning Ahead

Students interested in the U2G option should review the academic plan below as early as possible in their academic careers. The process starts by declaring the BS in Exercise Science as their undergraduate major and adding the Pre-AT designator with their academic advisor. Students interested in a U2G program need to be aware of the courses they are taking and in what sequence to stay on track and satisfy the requirements of both the bachelor’s and the graduate degree.

Athletic training education

Minimum eligibility requirements for all U2G programs:

  • Students who began undergraduate studies at the University of Iowa must complete at least 80 semester hours of undergraduate work (earned at the University of Iowa) prior to admission consideration.
  • Students who began undergraduate studies at another institution and transferred to the University of Iowa must complete at least 30 semester hours of undergraduate work (earned at the University of Iowa) prior to admission consideration.
  • Students must have a UI cumulative GPA of 3.25 or greater at the time of admission consideration.
  • See additional admission requirements for the MSAT program.

Blended Year (Year 4)

Once admitted to the U2G program, the student will complete courses that are specifically designated to count towards both their bachelor’s and graduate degrees. For the BS/MS program, summer 1 and fall 1 semester courses count towards both degrees.

During U2G or blended semesters (sum 1/fall 1) until the bachelor's degree is conferred, students are assessed undergraduate level tuition and fees. Bachelor degree conferral occurs in December of the fourth academic year and U2G students may participate in the winter commencement ceremony. Students are required to maintain a UI cumulative GPA of 3.0 during year 4 and 5 of the U2G program to remain in ‘good standing’.

Sometimes plans change. If a student decides to discontinue U2G and not matriculate into the graduate year portion of the combined degree program, the double counting of credit earned during the blended year is revoked. U2G is designed as a continuous educational experience between undergraduate and graduate studies. Therefore, only U2G students who continue into the program's graduate year are eligible to retain the double counted graduate credits. The completed coursework still counts for undergraduate-only credit after the double counted graduate credits are revoked.

Contact Us

Please contact the Program Director, Dr. Megan Lundstrom at for more information or questions.

View Course Sequence and Curriculum

MSAT U2G Course Sequence

Download course sequence

BS in ExSc (Pre-AT)1st YEAR2nd YEAR3rd YEAR
FALLExploring AT 1 sh AT:1010 (offered Fall only)
General Chemistry I 3 sh CHEM:1070
Public Health 3 sh CPH:1400 (or1600/1800)
Elementary Psychology 3 sh PSY:1001
Success at Iowa 2 sh CSI:1600

16 sh
Nutrition & Health 3 sh HHP:2310
Elementary Statistics and Inference 3 sh STAT:1020
Human Anatomy 3 sh HHP:1100
Gen Ed 3 sh
World Language 4-5 sh

16-17 sh
Biomechanics of Sport and Physical 3 sh HHP:2350
Applied Exercise Physiology 3 sh HHP:3400
Sport & Exc Nutrition 3 sh HHP:4310
World Lang 4-5 sh
Gen Ed 3 sh

16-17 sh
SPRINGGeneral Chemistry II 3 sh CHEM:1080
Physical Activity & Health 3 sh HHP:2200
Human Biology: Health Professionals 4 sh BIOL:1141
Gen Ed 3 sh
Gen Ed 3 sh

16 sh
Basic Physics w/lab 4 sh PHYS:1400
Fundamentals of Human Physiology 3sh HHP:1300
Physical Activity Psychology 3 sh HHP:3045
Gen Ed 3 sh
World Lang 4-5 sh

17-18 sh
CPR/First Aid Healthcare Prof. 2 sh AT:1200 (offered spring only)
Metabolic Exercise Testing and Prescription 4 sh HHP:4200
Musculoskeletal Exercise Testing and Prescription 4 sh HHP:4210
World Lang 4-5 sh

14-15 sh
SUMMER Med/Tech Term CLSA:3750:EXW 2 sh
Couns for Related Prof CSED:4199:EXW 3 sh

5 sh
See Masters curriculum below

Masters Curriculum


62 sh1st and 4th YEAR2nd and 5th YEAR
SUMMERAdvanced Anatomy for AT 4 sh AT:3060
***Exercise Science major elective
Foundations of AT Practice 3 sh AT:4000
Medical Emergency Techniques 2 sh AT:4075
***Exercise Science major elective

9 sh
Pathology and Assessment of Non- Orthopedic Conditions 3 sh AT:5000
Diagnostic Imaging and Lab Studies 1 sh AT:5075
Pathophysiology and Pharmacology in Sports Medicine 2 sh AT:5200

9 sh
FALLClinical Experience I 3 sh AT:4125
Orthopedic Pathology and Clinical Examination I 4 sh AT:4200
Therapeutic Interventions 3 sh AT:4300
Rehabilitation Techniques 3 sh AT:4400

13 sh
(BS in ExSci granted to U2G students)
Research in AT 2 sh (online) AT:6100 (whole semester)
Clinical Experience III 6 sh (online) AT:6125
Administration and Leadership 2 sh (online) AT:6200 (1st half)
Seminar in AT 2 sh (online) AT:6400 2nd half

12 sh
SPRINGOrthopedic Pathology and Clinical Examination II 4 sh AT:4250
Nutrition for AT 2 sh (1st half) AT:4375
Psychosocial recognition & referral 2 sh (2nd half) AT 6300
Applied Rehabilitation Concepts 3 sh AT:4450
Clinical Experience II 4 sh AT:4525

15 sh
Applied Research in AT 1 sh AT:6250
Advanced Topics in AT 1 sh (2nd half) AT:6450
Clinical Experience IV 5 sh AT:6525
EMT-B Certification (Optional)

7 sh