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The Guy and Anita Frumson Professorship
Matthew D. Karam, MD
The Guy and Anita Frumson Professorship was established in 2016 by Guy and Anita Frumson. This fund will support a faculty member who oversees the resident education program within the department. This fund will be used for, but not limited to, faculty support, resident program support, director travel, continuing education, and equipment and supplies for residents.
Anita established this professorship in honor of her late husband, Dr. Guy Frumson, who completed his medical training at Iowa and his residency training at the University of Pittsburgh. It was Dr. Frumson’s wish to give back to the institutions and areas that helped him succeed as a surgeon. Dr. Frumson felt indebted to Dr. Carroll Larson during his medical education at Iowa and believes his teaching and mentorship was why he became a phenomenal orthopedic surgeon. Dr. Guy Frumson passed away on December 10th, 2014. Dr. Frumson’s wife, Anita, is honored to do this in memory of her husband.
Dr. Matthew Karam currently holds this professorship.

Dr. Paul F. Siman Professorship of Orthopedics
The Dr. Paul F. Siman Chair of Orthopedics was established in 2001 by Vera Patrica Siman-Creebo in honor of her late husband. The fund supports a faculty member who is committed to Dr. Siman’s vision of providing outstanding patient care and advancing the specialty of Orthopedics.
Dr. Paul F. Siman grew up in Sioux City, Iowa and attended medical school at the University of Arkansas. He completed his fellowship under the direction of Dr. Arthur Steindler at the University of Iowa. In 1939, he moved to San Diego, California where he established one of the first practices of orthopedic surgery.
Currently, Dr. Benjamin J. Miller holds this professorship.

The Ralph and Marcia Congdon Professorship
Matthew J. Bollier, MD
The Ralph and Marcia Congdon Professorship was established in 2005 by Ralph and Marcia Congdon. The fund supports a scholar who has a distinguished program in orthopedic clinical practice that promotes excellence in orthopedics. Preference is given to an individual faculty member who has demonstrated exceptional talent
as a clinician and as a role model for residents. The faculty member will have a significant role in the residency education program including formal efforts to improve resident education and provide an example of highest standards of ethical, skillful practice of clinical orthopedics, it is anticipated they have in interest in sports medicine.
Dr. Congdon completed his B.A., M.D. and residency training all from The University of Iowa. Marcia Congdon is a graduate from the College of Nursing.
Previous faculty who held this professorship: Dr. Brian Wolf 2013-2017.
Dr. Matthew Bollier currently holds the Ralph and Marcia Congdon Professorship in Orthopedic Surgery.

Dr. Michael Bonfiglio Professorship in Orthopedics
Dr. Michael Bonfiglio Professorship in Orthopedics was established in 1987 with the purpose of sponsoring educational seminars and conference in Orthopedics. The original account name was the Bonfiglio Lectureship fund.
In 1994, the fund was changed to the Bonfiglio Orthopedic Education Center in order to support individualized and small-group student and resident education programs and sponsoring the visiting Bonfiglio Professorship. In 2002, the Department of Orthopedics and the Carver College of Medicine, specifically endorsed by Dean Robert Kelch, changed the fund to the Dr. Michael Bonfiglio Professorship in Orthopedics to honor Dr. Bonfiglio’s legacy as an educator and the impact he has had on many residents. Thanks to the support of many former trainees, Bonfiglio’s family, faculty, and staff, the fund was able to reach the appropriate endowment levels.
Previous faculty who held the Dr. Michael Bonfiglio Professorship in Orthopedics: Charles R. Clark, MD 2002-2020. Currently, no faculty member holds this professorship.
Ronald D. and Judith K. Carter Professorship in Ponseti Studies
The Ronald D. and Judith K. Carter Professorship in Ponseti Studies was established in 2010 by Ronald and Judith Carter. The professorship will support a scholar who will focus on Ponseti Pediatric research, musculoskeletal deformities and muscle physiology.
Dr. Carter completed his M.D. in 1969 and Orthopedic training in 1974 from the University of Iowa.
Currently, no faculty member holds this professorship.