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The Iowa Orthopedic Journal is a resident-managed, peer-reviewed orthopedic medical journal.
Its primary purpose is to advance research and education in the orthopedic field, including basic science, clinical research, education, and the history of orthopedics. The journal began in 1981 to educate the residents about the process of a journal publication and has remained an open source journal at PubMed, Index Medicus, and MEDLINE, where it receives approximately 57,000 “hits” per month. Each year, two PGY4s are selected for the editor positions, and one PGY4 is selected for the business manager position.
Download 2024 Iowa Orthopedic Journal Volume 44 Issue 1
Download 2024 Iowa Orthopedic Journal Volume 44 Issue 2
Instructions for Author
Any original article relevant to orthopedic surgery, orthopedic science or the teaching of either will be considered for publication in The Iowa Orthopedic Journal. Submissions are not limited to University of Iowa affiliates – all authors are welcome to submit. The manuscript submitted will be considered for print or e-publication. The printed Iowa Orthopedic Journal is released in June and the e-publication is released in December. The deadline to submit to The Iowa Orthopedic Journal is January 31 of that year to be considered for either issue. Once accepted for publication, articles and illustrations become the property of The Iowa Orthopedic Journal.
All manuscript submissions should include the following:
Title Page
The title page should list the authors’ names and credentials in the order in which they should appear. The corresponding author must be clearly identified with mailing and email address. Statements including sources of funding and conflicts of interest must also be included. Lastly, include a running head title.
Word count is limited to 350 words. The abstract should consist of five paragraphs, with the headings Background (which states the primary research question), Methods, Results, Conclusions, and Level of Evidence (for clinical articles) or Clinical Relevance (for basic-science articles).
References must list references in order of use (not alphabetically), and be double-spaced. References must be presented in the text by superscript numbers. All references must be cited in the text. Journal names should be abbreviated and capitalized according to the National Library of Medicine.
Each figure and table should be submitted on its own, separate page. Tables are preferred to be submitted as separate word or excel files. Figures are preferred to be submitted as high resolution (300 ppi) jpeg, pdf or tif files. Legends for all illustrations should be listed in order of appearance and single spaced. Color illustrations may not be used unless it is the opinion of the journal that they convey information not available in grayscale. Web page images are to be avoided. Set digital cameras to their highest quality (ppi) setting for photographs. When submitting an illustration that has appeared elsewhere, give full information about previous publication and credit to be given, and state whether or not permission to reproduce it has been obtained.
Preparation of Manuscripts
Manuscripts must be typewritten and double spaced using wide margins. Write out numbers under 10 except percentages, degrees or numbers expressed as decimals. Direct quotations should include the exact page number on which they appeared in the book or article. All measurements should be given in SI metric units. The body of the manuscript should contain an Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements (if any), References, and Figure Legend. The manuscript should be submitted in Word form, no PDFs.
Submission of Manuscript
Authors may submit the manuscript in a word file with continuous numbering and as many additional files (figures, illustrations, legends, etc.) as needed. After the formatting is complete, authors will be given one week to review and approve their manuscript prior to its publication.
Thank you for considering a submission of your article to the Iowa Orthopedic Journal.
Medical Journal Archive
PubMed offers "The Iowa Orthopaedic Journal" volumes since 1981.